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b>Using implementation-oriented coaching to promote sustainability

Our coaching is based on the approaches of resource-oriented, solution-oriented, and systemic short-time consulting (Milwaukee model and related models) as well as on transaction analysis. Coaching makes sense in all personal development issues or the introduction, implementation, and coping with personal and company-related change processes. Coaching is especially promising for supporting implementation and sustainability of processes because it is always applied where action is created: in humans.

Coachees may include people who lead and are led, individually or in teams. Coaching as we see it delivers concrete, visible results. That is why we work with a powerful focus on goals. At the start of a coaching session, we define together with the coachee goals that can be verified, which describe what the coachee wants to learn from coaching (contracting). Thanks to this focus, four to six sessions lasting 90 to 120 minutes each are typically sufficient per coaching process for achieving the defined goal. Only the first session may last longer due to the need to build trust and for contracting. Depending on the coachees specific needs and the coaching subjects, sessions are normally held at intervals of two to about six weeks, which are selected to suit the coachees individual requirements.

Between the individaul coaching sessions, the coachees are expected to transform the resources opened in the coaching into concrete actions and solutions found and to observe their experiences with what works. These experiences are then discussed in the next session, and if necessary additional, possibly corrective action is derived from them.

We see our roles as coaches not only as reflection partners, but where appropriate also as travel guides: We do not limit ourselves to reflecting questions and observing feedback. We also make experience-based, differentiated interventions and put forward suggestions if this is meaningful and serves the process. This is because the ultimate goal is always to ensure that coachees can expand their options for additional action. Moreover, this is designed to prompt coachees to carry out their own brainstorming for finding additional approaches to solutions. This may lead to their unlocking additional resources that were hidden up to then.

Moreover, a coaching process may also include training units on certain subjects such as the preparation of a difficult meeting. Experience shows that the implementation and therefore success rate of such integrated training steps is astonishingly high.